The Tap on the Shoulder

Carlene was in my grade 12 English class in 2010. She was a strong student with good marks and intended to go into nursing. She had a plan. I was happy for her. Most students don’t know what they want to do after high school. I thought she might make a great...

Money. Does high school do enough?

I was running my annual entrepreneurship conference called the Tigers’ Den in a virtual format due to the COVID-19 pandemic and received a video submission for a financial app from 3 students. One of the students said, “School teaches you calculus, but it...

Seeing Your Big Picture

Life is busy.   Being a high school or post-secondary student is especially busy. A full slate of academic courses takes up a major chunk of every day. Add any of these to the picture: hockey, volleyball, basketball, football, dancing, guitar-playing, the school band,...

Collecting and Connecting Those Dots

Many career pundits believe that career development is all about ‘connecting the dots’; that is, looking back on what you’ve done and seeking the patterns and themes in your life. This process will ultimately lead to the best career path. Makes sense, right?  I don’t...